
The language of diversity and inclusion is expansive, ever-changing, and can include specialist terminology that requires a common frame of understanding. On this page you can find examples of different glossaries in the fields of diversity and inclusion, media, and others. These glossaries encompass the different languages present within the team.
English Glossaries
EIGE Glossary & Thesaurus
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) offers an extensive glossary and thesarus with specialised terminology focusing on the area of gender equality.
This glossary was originally published in 2016, and is available in English, Albanian, Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian.
Racial Equity Tools Glossary
As part of the Racial Equity Toolkit, the Racial Equity Tools Glossary presents an broad overview of the language and terms relating to race, racism, and anti-racist practices.
This resource reflects terminology commonly used in the context of the United States, and is available in English.
NYU Gender and Sexuality Studies Terminology
The New York University Library provides an overview of the terminology used in social sciences as well as gender, sexuality, and queer studies. The website defines key terms and provides links to onlines resources. The website and terminology is in English.
RomArchive Glossary
The RomArchive provides an overview of terms related to the Roma community.
The website and terminology is in English, German and Romany.
Postcolonial Studies
The Postcolonial Studies @ Emory website provides an overview and explainations of terms and issues relevant for postcolonial studies.
Portuguese Glossaries
Glossário Portugal Mais Igual
Incorporated in the Portuguese National Strategy for Equality and Non-discrimination (2018-2030), this glossary collects, translates and defines the common terminology related to gender equality and laboral rights. This resource is available in Portuguese.
Glossário CIG
The Portuguese Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) offers a glossary with terminology related to gender equality. This is available in Portuguese.
Glossário PpDM
The women’s rights ONG Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres (PpDM) presents a short glossary of terms related to gender equality, as well as a list of commonly used acronyms in the field. This resource is available in Portuguese.
German Glossaries
The glossary by NdM – Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen briefly summarizes debates about derogatory terms and harmful descriptions of social groups.
The glossary provides recommendation for journalists and writers of how to describe social identities, groups or communities in non-discriminatory ways. The glossary is availablein German only.
The RomArchive provides an overview of terms related to the Roma community.
The website and terminology is in English, German and Romany.
Hungarian Glossaries
Esélyegyenlőségi Fogalomtár
Glossary of terms on Equal Opportunities. The glossary is bilingual (Hungarian-English).
Esélyegyenlőségi szótár
Short equal opportunities dictionary - ‘Disability: How to say?’ This resource is available only in Hungarian.